Feng Shui, Digitalisation and Technology


Businesses Associated with the Fire Sign
Although it may seem distant, there are actually some interesting connections between Feng Shui knowledge and the current trend of business digitalisation, renewable energy and technological boom (machine learning; AI; ChatGPT; big data; cybersecurity; cloud computing; computer science; blockchain technology).
In Feng Shui, the concept of Wu Xing (五行) or the Five Elements plays an important role. These elements, which include wood, fire, earth, metal and water, are considered to be the fundamental building blocks of the universe. Each element is associated with a specific set of qualities and characteristics, and the goal in Feng Shui is to achieve balance and harmony between them.

Virtual: With the rise of virtual and augmented reality, companies that involve fire can capitalise on this trend. Virtual events, meetings, and experiences can help companies transform and innovate in this digital age.
Machine learning and AI: The use of machine learning and AI technologies in businesses is becoming more common. These technologies require creativity and passion to develop and use effectively. Some examples of companies that involve fire in this space include predictive analytics, natural language processing, and chatbots.
Biomedicine: The field of biomedical research and development requires passion and creativity to make breakthroughs in the medical field. Companies related to fire in this field can be biotech startups, medical device manufacturers, and pharmaceutical companies.
Internet and digitalisation: The internet has revolutionised the way we do business and continues to transform industries across the board. Companies related to fire in this field can be e-commerce platforms, social networks, and online content providers.
Renewable energy: Solar or biomass energy represents the transformative aspect of fire as it converts sunlight and organic materials into usable energy. The passion, innovation, and drive required to develop the renewable energy industry match the characteristics of the fire element.


Feng Shui and the current digitalisation trend
So how do these Feng Shui concepts fit into the trend of business digitalisation? One way to think of it is that digital products such as domain name services, SSL certificates, Microsoft 365, MacOS, external- or internal Clouds, Document Signing Certificate, VMWare, etc. can be seen as tools to harness the energy of the Five Elements to promote business success.
By using these digital tools to create a strong online presence, improve website security and performance, and improve communication and productivity, businesses can harness the energy of the universe and achieve greater harmony and balance.
In summary, while the connections between Feng Shui and digital business are not immediately apparent, there are some interesting parallels to discover. By paying attention to concepts such as Wu Xing (the 5 Elements) and leveraging digital products in the current digital environment, companies can achieve greater success in the ever-evolving landscape of digitalisation, e-commerce and Industry 4.0